Meeting documents

Swale Joint Transportation Board
Monday, 10 March 2014

swale joint transportation board

MINUTES of the Meeting held in the Council Chamber, Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne on Monday 9 December 2013 from 5:30 pm to 7:18 pm.

Present: Councillor Mike Whiting (Chairman), Councillors Nicholas Hampshire (substitute for Councillor Ken Pugh), Bryan Mulhern, Prescott, Pat Sandle, Ghlin Whelan and Tony Winckless. Kent County Councillors: Tom Gates (Vice-Chairman), Mike Baldock, Lee Burgess, Adrian Crowther, Harrison and Roger Truelove. Kent Association of Local Councils: Councillors Peter Macdonald and Richard Palmer.

Officers Present: Philippa Davies, Michael Knowles, Lyn Newton and Brian Planner (Swale Borough Council) and Alan Blackburn and Ruth Goudie (Kent County Council Highways).

Also In Attendance: Councillors Sylvia Bennett, Derek Conway, Mike Cosgrove, Gareth Randall and David Simmons.

Apologies: Councillor Ken Pugh and Parish Councillor Keith Johnson.



The Minutes of the Meeting held on 9 September 2013 (Minute Nos. 226 - 244) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


declarations of interest

No interests were declared.


public session

The Chairman welcomed the members of the public who had registered to speak at the meeting. He advised that those items further down on the agenda, where members of the public had registered to speak, would be brought forward.

Mr Arnold, Arriva Buses, addressed the Board. He spoke on 'Proposed Closure of Sittingbourne High Street to Vehicles on Fridays'. He spoke against the closure and was opposed to further restrictions within the town centre, which he considered would affect accessibility for the elderly and disabled users. Mr Arnold suggested that members of the public would avoid the town centre if the convenience of getting a bus to the town centre became more complicated. Mr Arnold referred to Section 3.2 in the report and considered the initial responses to the consultation held little weight. Mr Arnold questioned where market traders would park their vehicles and that there had been no modelling of St. Michael's Road. He advised that there would be cost implications for the bus companies as they would need to reproduce new timetables and provide publicity. Mr Arnold raised concern with the effect of the changes on the bus companies' business which could affect any future investment in bus services.

Mr Bates, Chalkwell Buses, explained that Mr Arnold had covered the issues that he also had, and so did not speak.

Mr Massey, local resident, addressed the Board. He spoke within the 'Various Waiting Restrictions' item; proposed waiting restrictions in Key Street, Sittingbourne. Mr Massey explained that Key Street was a very busy road. He raised concern with parked vehicles which reduced visibility and made it dangerous to pull out onto the road.

Mr Cheeseman, Chalkwell Buses addressed the Board. He spoke on 'Eden Village Proposed Bus Facility - Revised Report'. Mr Cheeseman spoke in support of the bus only traffic order. He provided an overview of the bus services in the area and advised that some services were funded by Kent County Council (KCC) as they were not commercially viable. Mr Cheeseman explained that by opening up the bus link, a one-route service could be operated and this could reduce KCC spending. The link would enable the bus company to provide more journeys and also a Saturday service.

Mr Barrow, local resident, addressed the Board. He spoke on 'Eden Village Proposed Bus Facility - Revised Report'. Mr Barrow advised that he lived adjacent to the proposed bus gate and he spoke in objection to the proposals. He advised that his previous concerns affecting his driveway had been addressed by KCC and he thanked them for the amendment. Mr Barrow raised concern on how the restriction for buses-only would be enforced and that the route would be used as a short cut by cars, likely to be travelling at higher speeds as there were no traffic calming measures in place on either housing estates. Mr Barrow asked: who made the application; what were the motives?; and who was footing the bill? He suggested it was the bus companies; to increase profitability and subsidies, and the tax payer was footing the bill. Mr Barrow considered that no one wanted the bus route to be opened and it was not viable and he considered the bus company should pay for the installation of a bus gate.


part a minutes for recommendation to cabinet


proposed closure of sittingbourne high street to vehicles on fridays

The Economy and Community Services Manager introduced the report which provided an update following the meeting of the Swale Joint Transportation Board in September 2013. At that meeting Members were advised of the proposed relocation of the weekly Sittingbourne Market from its current location at The Forum Car Park to the High Street, requiring the road to be closed.

The Economy and Community Services Manager provided an update and an overview of the preliminary results of the informal consultation to-date. She explained that this was not solely about the re-location of the market but was part of a larger regeneration review to increase activity, engagement and collaboration within the town centre.

The Economy and Community Services Manager explained that town centre businesses and local groups had been informally consulted. She acknowledged the comments from the bus companies, but advised that since the report was written, support had increased for the re-location of the market to the High Street and talks were continuing with groups to 'iron out' any issues.

The Cabinet Member for Environmental and Rural Affairs welcomed the proposals and considered the re-located market would benefit surrounding businesses.

Members raised the following points: Sittingbourne High Street needed all the help it could get; the market would help to give the High Street a vibrant mix; the market could help to revive trade; acknowledge cost to bus companies; this would provide real potential and help to regenerate the town centre; the proposals had generated interest on social media; bus timetables were periodically updated anyway; consider the transport system in Sittingbourne was appalling and needed to be looked at as a whole; the market could attract more people to the town centre and increase footfall; the car park would become available for parking on Fridays; the market may improve; and disappointed that no free parking provided on the two market days.

In response to a question, the Economy and Community Services Manager confirmed that she would provide figures and further information from the consultation undertaken so far, to Councillor Prescott. She explained that the majority of those consulted had been in support of the re-location of the market.

Economy and Community Services Manager
(1) That the report be noted and it be recommended that Officers proceed with the Traffic Regulation Order to close the High Street to vehicles on Fridays as well as Saturdays to accommodate the proposed market re-location and pursue formal consultation.

various waiting restrictions

The Engineer introduced the report which provided a summary of recent consultations carried out for proposed waiting restrictions in the Borough.

With reference to Recommendation (2), the following comments were raised: there should be a restriction of some sort; the lay-by was provided for short-term use by shoppers; and there was an issue of cars being parked there for sale. Kent County Councillor Mike Baldock proposed a motion: 'that the waiting restriction be extended to 30 minutes'. This was seconded by Kent County Councillor Adrian Crowther.

Members spoke to the amended motion and suggested that one hour be a preferred time and that there were enforcement issues.

The proposal and seconder accepted the revised motion for restricted waiting for one hour. Members spoke for and against the suggested revised time.

The Engineer advised that a Traffic Regulation Order could be implemented without further informal consultation straight away and residents/local businesses had the opportunity to summit formal objections if they wished to.

On being put to the vote the revised Recommendation (2) was agreed with waiting limited to one hour.

With reference to Recommendation (3), the following comments were raised: there would be a problem of displaced vehicles; there was a lay-by nearby with a restricted waiting time between 10am - 11am which limited parking options there, removal of this restriction could help local tradesmen; support no parking for safety reasons; and it would improve visibility along the busy road.

The Ward Member supported the installation of double yellow lines in Key Street.

(1) That the proposed amendments to waiting restrictions in High Street, Sittingbourne be abandoned.
(2) That the proposed waiting restrictions in The Broadway, Minster be progressed with a restricted time of one hour.
(3) That the proposed waiting restrictions in Key Street, Sittingbourne be installed.

eden village proposed bus facility - revised report

The Strategic Transportation Planner introduced the report which provided an update following consultation undertaken on a proposal to open a bus link in Eden Village, Sittingbourne, to facilitate a bus route.

The Strategic Transportation Planner reported that there had been 22 objections to the proposal and it was supported by the bus companies. She referred to the planning condition that had stated that the road remained closed by bollards until an agreement was in place for the bus companies to use the link. The Strategic Transportation Planner advised that once the bus route became continuous, subsidies could be removed and the route become more viable. She further advised that KCC would pay for the Traffic Order and the necessary signing costs of £2,000 and there would be no physical means of closure of the link.

Ward Members spoke against the bus-only route: the potential safety of local residents and how the link would be enforced for buses only; the route would become a short-cut for all vehicles and a rat-run with safety implications to children; there was no evidence that the bus route was required; it was unprofitable to extend bus service; it should be left as it was with the bollards in place; and residents were concerned about the bus link being in place.

Members raised the following points: concern about it becoming a through route; the road structures were different; risk of speeding vehicles; enforcement issues; lack of demand for this; having no physical restriction there was ludicrous; cost implications; buses were not full; wasted exercise; the planning condition had been agreed by Members; a few on-the-spot fines might relay the message that the link was not open to all vehicles; and it could save KCC money.

(1) That the existing posts between the eastern and western lengths of Crossways not be removed and that a bus only traffic order is not implemented.

faversham town centre parking restrictions

The Head of Service Delivery introduced the report which provided details of a proposed change to the parking restrictions within the core town centre area of Faversham to allow evening parking. He explained that there was misunderstanding of the parking restrictions, especially in the evening. There were various zones at the moment, but no lines. The proposal would mean the implementation of narrow yellow lines, and a reduction in the amount of signs currently in place.

A Ward Member spoke against the proposal. He considered it would create increased traffic flows; policing was needed for speeding and motor bike issues; and if the proposal did go ahead, sympathetic lining should be used.

Members raised the following points: welcome the proposal; this will help the night-time economy in the town centre; and it will be good for the town centre.

(1) That the progression of a Traffic Regulation Order to amend the parking restrictions within the core town centre area of Faversham to allow evening parking be agreed.

formal objections to traffic regulation order amendment 8b

The Engineer introduced the report which provided a summary of formal objections received to the recently advertised Traffic Regulation Order Amendment 8B, covering various proposals on the Isle of Sheppey and Sittingbourne.

(1) That the proposed waiting restrictions in the Capel Road area of Sittingbourne be progressed.

swale cycling strategy

The Strategic Transportation Planner introduced the report which provided an update following consultation on the draft Swale Cycling Strategy.

Members raised the following points which included: there was a lot of work being carried out on this with little support or engagement coming back; where was this going; and more purpose and justification was needed. Members suggested routes that could be used for cycling and raised concern that cars often parked on cycle ways.

The Strategic Transportation Planner advised that there had been almost no objections received in the consultation, with further routes to investigate.

(1) That further work is undertaken on the suggestions put forward during the consultation with a view to adding these to the Swale Cycling Strategy.

withdrawal of stop at newington

This report provided further information on the withdrawal of the 06.54 Newington to Cannon Street stop.

The Chairman advised that he had written to the Secretary of State on this matter.

(1) That the report be noted.

information item - winter service policy for 2013/2014

The District Manager for Swale introduced the report which provided information on the Winter Service Policy for 2013/2014 and also provided information on salt give-away sites, dates and times in Swale. He advised that everything was in place for the winter and more information could be found at : With reference to the annex, he confirmed that the rock salt was provided in 5kg sacks, not 25kg.


progress update report

Members considered the report that gave an update on the progress made regarding various schemes in the Borough.

67/06/13 (Eastchurch Primary School) - Councillor Pat Sandle raised concern with the lack of consultation that had been undertaken; the difference between a pedestrian crossing and a crossing point; the history of the site was not relevant to the current use as a school; it was too dangerous for a Road Crossing Patrol and a risk assessment needed to be carried out.

The Chairman agreed to write to the Chairman of the KCC Planning Committee to ask him to review the decisions around the highway arrangements outside the school on the basis of the claim by the Ward Member that local parish councils had not been properly consulted on the matter before those decisions were taken.


231/09/13 - Councillor Sylvia Bennett raised concerns regarding the Eden Village roundabout which she considered to be an accident waiting to happen. She considered it dangerous for pedestrians as they did not know which way a vehicle was going to come from. Councillor Bennett referred to the Appeal Decision which had stated 'there is nothing in the present proposals that would prevent a switch to single-directional circulation, either now or at some time in the future, should the Highway Authority ever change its mind.' Councillor Bennett requested that the roundabout be made into single direction.

The Chairman confirmed that he would write to KCC and ask them to look into the matter again on the basis of the Planning Inspectorate's report.


exclusion of the press and public


(1) That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1 and 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act:

1 - Information relating to any individual.
6 - Information which reveals that the authority proposes:-
(a) to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; or
(b) to make an order or direction under any enactment.

part a minutes for recommendation to cabinet


swale disabled persons' parking bay scheme - bay installations and removals

(1) That the comments/objections made by the consultees be noted.
(2) That bays be installed at:
11 South View Gardens, Sheerness;
13 Seaside Avenue, Minster;
32 Church Road, Eastchurch.

That bays be removed at:
62 Whitstable Road, Faversham.

That bays remain at:
102 Athelstan Road, Faversham;
68 Whitstable Road, Faversham;
46 Springhead Road, Faversham;
180 Park Road, Sittingbourne;
34 Chalkwell Road, Sittingbourne;
21 Bayford Road, Sittingbourne;
49 High Street, Queenborough.
All Minutes are draft until agreed at the next meeting of the Committee/Panel

View the Agenda for this meeting